Music Therapy Week 2013


Music Therapy Week 2013 is a week of campaigning to help raise awareness of how music therapy can improve the lives of some of the most vulnerable people in our communities across the UK.

The first ever Music Therapy Week was launched in June 2011 and was a great success in promoting music therapy. It was also a fantastic way of helping to introduce the British Association for Music Therapy as the new professional body representing music therapy and music therapy in the UK.

This year sees the return of Music Therapy Week (MTW2013) from 8th – 15th June and we hope to be able to build on the successes of Music Therapy Week 2011.

Events in N.Ireland

  • BAMT Music Therapy information stand at Singing the Bridge Derry/Londonderry  
  • Open Music Therapy Coffee morning 
  • Spot the BAMT egg shakers across N.Ireland

Get Involved!

It’s not too late to start planning your event! If you interested in music therapy and want to help raise awareness in your community, please click here

BAMT Egg Shakers On Tour!